Missions | Skirm




These missions are suggested scenarios for you to play. The two types of missions are:

You may also choose to play with Secondary Objective as described below.

Matched Play

Player vs Player

Matched Play missions are your standard player vs player missions. These are the recommended missions to play when first starting out.


Dense terrain, 3 objectives placed along the center line of the battlemap, equally spaced.


No Units are deployed before Turn 1. When alternating activations during Turn 1, players deploy the active Unit on one Square along their board edge.


At the end of each Turn, if a Unit is on an objective and there are no adjacent enemies, that Unit's Squad gains one MP.
At the end of Turn 4, after counting MPs, the Squad with the highest MP wins the battle.

Rescue the Prisoner

Player vs Player

An esteemed ally has been captured by the enemy. The enemy has been interrogating them for days but they haven't broken yet.
The prisoner is being held in a secure facility, coordinates attached. Retrieve the prisoner before it finally buckles under the enemy's interrogators.
Roll-off or select which Squad will be the Attacker or Defender.


Dense terrain, one enclosed area in the center of the battlemap to represent the secure facility. Place the Prisoner token in the center of the secure facility.
Attacker has initiative in first Turn.



When alternating activations during Turn 1, Attacker deploys the active Unit on one Square along any board edge.


Deploy all units before Turn 1 within 6 Squares of the intel.


  • Represent the prisoner as a token. The prisoner is in poor health after their interrogation and can be carried by Attacker Units.
  • If a Unit carrying the prisoner reaches 0 HIT, place the prisoner token in the Square it occupied before being removed from the battlemap.
  • A Unit carrying the prisoner may give it to an Adjacent SquadMate for 1 ACT.
  • A Unit carrying the prisoner may drop it on the Square it currently occupies for 1 ACT.
  • An Attacker Unit may pick up the prisoner in the Square it currently occupies for 1 ACT. Defender Units may not pick up the prisoner.
  • A Unit carrying the prisoner gets a -1 modifier to its MSK and RSK.


If the prisoner is carried off the edge of the battlemap by the end of Turn 4, the Attacker wins.
In all other cases, the Defender wins.


Player vs Player

We have identified a critical enemy infrastructure facility that must be destroyed.
Sabotage the facility by placing explosive charges in the designated points.

Roll-off or select which Squad will be the Attacker or Defender.


An industrial facility, dense with pipes, machinery, and catwalks.
Place three objectives representing the designated explosive charge placement points.
Attacker has initiative in first Turn.



When alternating activations during Turn 1, Attacker deploys the active Unit on one Square along any board edge.


Deploy all units before Turn 1 anywhere on the battlemap.


At the end of Turn 4:
Attacker gains one MP for each designated point that has an explosive charge on it.
Defender gains one MP for each designated point that does not have an explosive charge on it.
The Squad with the highest MP wins the battle.


Place Explosive Charge (1 ACT): Place an explosive charge on the Square you currently occupy. That Square must contain an objective marker.
Defuse Explosive Charge (1 ACT): Remove an explosive charge on the Square you currently occupy. That Square must contain an objective marker.

Intercept Intel

Player vs Player

An enemy squad has obtained critical intel and is carrying it to their command. Our scouts report they will be passing through here. Ambush them and retrieve the intel.

Roll-off or select which Squad will be the Attacker or Defender.


A dense urban area, with an open path between buildings or structures from the Attacker's board edge to the opposite edge.
Attacker has initiative in first Turn.



When alternating activations during Turn 1, Attacker deploys the active Unit on one Square along any board edge


Deploy all units before Turn 1 within 6 Squares of the center of the battlemap.


If an Attacker Unit carrying the Intel moves off the edge of the battlemap opposite their deployment edge by the end of Turn 4, the Attacker wins.
In all other cases, the Defender wins.


  • At the start of the battle, Attacker designates one of their Units to be carrying the Intel and writes its name on a piece of paper. Do not reveal to the Defender which Unit holds the intel.
  • If a Unit carrying Intel reaches 0 HIT, place an Intel marker in the Square it occupied before being removed from the battlemap.
  • Defender Units may pick up the Intel if it is dropped by a Unit carrying it.
  • A Unit carrying Intel may give it to an Adjacent SquadMate for 1 ACT.
  • A Unit carrying Intel may drop it on the Square it currently occupies for 1 ACT.
  • A Unit may pick up Intel in the Square it currently occupies for 1 ACT.

Survive The Swarm


Our Command Center is beset by a horde of monstrous enemies intent on our destruction. Survive long enough for extraction and protect our assets.


A dense urban area.


Deploy both Squads' Units, alternating between Squads, anywhere on the battlemap.


At the end of Turn 4, if either Squad still has Units on the battlemap, both Squads win.
If all Units from both Squads have been taken out, both Squads lose.

The Swarm

The attacking monsters are part of The Swarm.


Each Turn, the Swarm will deploy units using the following table:
Turn Horde Deployment
Turn 1 2 Egg Sacs
2 Spitters
Turn 2 2 Runners
1 Runner with Barbed Tailwhip
Turn 3 1 Brood Mother with Barbed Tailwhip
2 Spitters
Turn 4 2 Runners
1 Runner with Barbed Tailwhip
After each activation, the same player performs the deployment and activation of one Horde Unit. Horde Units perform their actions as follows:
Egg Sac: Hatch
Runner and Spitter:

  • If an enemy unit can be attacked in combat, it must attack
  • If no enemy unit can be attacked, move toward the nearest enemy unit
Brood Mother:
  • First Action is always lay egg
  • If an enemy unit can be attacked in combat, it must attack
  • If no enemy unit can be attacked, move toward the nearest enemy unit
  • Ignore the Brood Mother's TO skills
  • Brood Mother deploys from any board edge

Secondary Objectives

At the start of each Turn, each Squad secretly rolls 2D6 to select a Secondary Objective for the Turn. Selected Secondary Objectives don't have to be scored in that Turn, they can be scored in any Turn (unless otherwise specified). If the resulting Secondary Objective is not possible (e.g. there are no objective markers on the battlemap or the specified objective marker is not on the battlemap), show your opponent and re-roll secretly. This Secondary Objective is not revealed to the opposing player until the end of a Turn in which that Squad scored at least one MP as decribed on that Secondary Objective.
Note that once a Secondary Objective is scored, it cannot be scored again in a subsequent Turn.


- Devastation

At the end of the Turn, if all enemy Units have been Taken Out, score 2 MP.


- Battlefield Control

At the end of the Turn, if you have at least 3 Units more than 6 Squares away from each other, score 2 MP.


- Infiltration

At the end of the Turn, if you have at least 3 Units within the enemy's Deployment Zone, score 2 MP.


- Vantage

At the end of the Turn, if you have at least 2 Units that are at least 2 Squares above the battlemap (high ground), score 1 MP.


- Blocking

At the end of the Turn, if at least three of your Units are adjacent to three different enemy Units, score 2 MP


- Domination

At the end of the Turn, if you control at least 3 Objectives, score 1 MP.


- Reversal

For each Objective that was under enemy control at the start of the Turn and is under your control at the end of the same Turn, score 1 MP.


- Impervious

If none of your Squad were Taken Out in this Turn, score 2 MP. This Secondary Objective cannot be scored in Turn 1.


- Unwavering

At the end of the battle, if your Leader is still standing, score 1 MP.


- Avenge

If one of your Units is Taken Out by an enemy and another Unit in your Squad Takes Out that same enemy in the same Turn, score 2 MP.


- Guns Blazing

Score 1 MP for each enemy Unit your Squad took out in Turn 1. This Secondary Objective cannot be scored in any other Turn.


- Secure Intel

When this Secondary Objective is selected, plase an Intel marker in your enemy's deployment zone. At the end of any Turn, if one of your Units Picked Up that Intel marker, score 1 MP.


- Deterrent

At the end of the Turn, if no enemy Unit is within 3 Squares of an Objective Marker, score 2 MP.


- Hold Territory

At the end of the Turn, if no enemy Unit is within 2 Squares of your Deployment Zone, score 1 MP.


- Objective Control

At the end of the Turn, if your Squad controls more Objective Markers than the enemy, score 1 MP.


- Covering Fire

At the end of the Turn, if at least 3 of your Standing Units have performed at least one Ranged Combat Action each, score 1 MP.


- Plant Tracker

Your Units may perform the following Mission Action on an Objective Marker you control once during the battle:
Plant Tracker (1 ACT): Score 1 MP. This action can only be performed once in the battle.


- Mark Enemy

Once during the battle, when one of your Units performs a Melee Combat action, select one successful strike that the enemy Unit did not save. Instead of inflicting DAM for that strike, score 1 MP. Note that the enemy Unit must still be Standing at the end of that Combat to score this Secondary Objective.


- Spend Reserves

At the end of the Turn, if your Squad has any remaining TOs, score 1 MP.


- Reroll



- Select

Select one of the available Secondary Objectives.