The Rules | Skirm



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Skirm is a miniature- and universe-agnostic table top miniatures skirmish wargame. It is intended to be easy to learn and quick to set up and play.

When designing the game, there were a few principles that guided all decisions on play style and core mechanics:

  • Must be FUN
  • Must be fast to set up and to play
    • Games should not last longer than one hour
    • Each player should only need a handful of miniatures to play (5-10)
  • Must be easy for newcomers to learn
    • Simple rules
    • Simple mechanics
  • Must not use tokens on the board
    • The last thing you want is a miniature with 6 tokens on it that you have to carry with it when it moves and that would crowd the battle zone
  • Must use simple rules and tools
    • No rulers or gauges - Use "Squares" (a simple grid) for measuring distances
    • 6-sided dice for all rolls

Core Mechanics

Dice Rolls

Skirm uses 6-sided dice for all rolls. These will be indicated throughout the rules as D6.
Some rolls will require more than one die. For those, the number of dice to roll will be indicated before D6.
For example, to indicate a roll of 3 dice: 3D6. To indicate a roll of 1 die: 1D6.

Modifying A Die Result

Some rolls will require adding a number to a die's value. For example, to indicate a roll whose result should be increased by 2: 1D6+2. This means roll a die, then add 2 to its value to get the final value.

Successes and Failures

When rolling against a character or weapon stat, a die roll is a success if its value is equal to or lower than that stat.
Irrespective of any modifiers or Stats, a die roll of 6 is always a failure and a die roll of 1 is always a success.


Certain rules and events allow you to re-roll a die. In those cases, announce the die to be re-rolled, pick it up, and roll it again. Once a die is re-rolled, its result is final and it cannot be re-rolled again.


During its activation, a Unit can perform a number of Actions up to its ACT stat (see StatCards).
Each Action costs a number of Action Points or ACT.

Actions with an ACT cost can be performed by spending the Unit's ACT Action Points or the Squad's Tactical Orders, or any combination of the two (for example, if a Unit's skill costs 2 ACT, you can spend 1 ACT + 1 TO to perform that action).
Actions with a TO cost can only be performed by spending the Squad's Tactical Orders.

The first time each Action is performed in a Unit's Activation, it costs its listed ACT. Each time that same action is repeated in the same Activation, it costs one additional ACT.
For example, the first time a Unit performs the Move action in its activation, it costs 1 ACT. If that same Unit wants to perform another Move in this same Activation, the second Move costs 2 ACT.

Battle Map

The Skirm Battle Map is a grid of 1.5 in or 40mm Squares. All movement and distance/range measurements are done by counting Squares. The total size of the Battle Map is typically 12 by 12 Squares.


All movement and distance measurements in Skirm are measured in Squares. No need for tape measures, gauges, or rulers!
The game designers selected to use a grid for simplicity of movement and measurement and to avoid imprecision in moving miniatures and checking weapon ranges. But if you don't have a gridded play area, you can use a ruler and convert each Square to 1.5 in.


See Basic Actions and Movement

Adjacent Squares

All 8 Squares surrounding a given Square are considered to be Adjacent to that Square. When selecting a valid target for Melee combat (see Actions), the initiator and its target must be in adjacent Squares. Note that two Squares that have a height difference of more than 1 Square are not considered to be adjacent.
Note that if a wall that is higher than 1 Square is between two Squares, those two Squares are not considered to be Adjacent.

Distances And Range

To measure the distance between two Squares (for example, to check if a target is within the Range of a given Ranged Weapon), only measure on the Horizontal plane; ignore vertical distance.

The target is considered to be in range of that weapon if the distance in Squares is equal to or lower than the weapon's range.

Remus' pistol has a range of 3 (RG3). He can target the green unit in ranged combat, but not the red target.

Game Cycle

A game of Skirm is played in the following order:

  1. Mission Start
    1. Select Mission
      Select a Mission to play. All players must reach consensus on the Mission to play.
    2. Select Squad
      Select one of your Squads to take on the Mission
    3. Prepare Battle Map
      Set up your Battlemap according to the Mission's briefing. This includes placing buildings and other terrain features, placing objectives, and any other actions defined by the selected Mission.
  2. Turns
    1. Turn 1
    2. Turn 2
    3. Turn 3
    4. Turn 4
  3. Mission End
    At the end of Turn 4, tally the total Mission Points for each Squad. The Squad with the highest number of Mission Points is declared the winner of the battle.


During each Turn:

  1. Reset Tactical Orders to zero for both Squads (Tactical Orders do not carry over from Turn to Turn).
  2. Each Squad draws a Secondary Objective for the Turn.
  3. Start of Turn
    1. Mark all Units as Ready (not Activated)
    2. Resolve all "Start of Turn" actions or events
    3. Rol-off for Initiative:
      Lowest score wins Initiative; both sides re-roll any ties until a winner is determined
    4. Roll for Tactical Orders for the Turn
    5. The Squad with the Initiative rolls for the Mission's Events (if any) for this Turn
  4. Unit activations
    1. The Squad with the Initiative activates their first Unit, then Squads alternate activating their Units until all Units have been activated.
      See also Alternate Activations.
  5. End Of Turn
    1. Resolve all "End of Turn" actions or events
    2. Reveal and score Secondary Objective:
      If either Squad scored at least one MP from one of their Seconrary Objectives, reveal that Secondary Objective and score Mission Points. Once a Secondary Objective has been scored, it cannot be scored again.
    3. Score Mission Points according to the selected Mission

Alternate Activations

Skirm uses Alternate Activations:
During each turn, players take alternating turns to Activate their Squad's Units. So player 1 activates their first Unit, then player 2 activates their first Unit, followed by player 1 activating their second Unit etc. This ensures dynamic play and avoids having to wait long periods of time before you can actually do something with your Squad.

Each player takes alternating turns activating the Units in their Squad. For example, in order:

  1. Player 1 activates their first Unit
  2. Player 2 activates their first Unit
  3. Player 1 activates their second Unit
  4. Player 2 activates their second Unit
  5. Player 1 activates their third Unit
  6. Player 2 activates their third Unit
  7. (etc)

At the start of each Turn, all Units are marked as "Ready". As each Unit completes their Activation, they are marked as "Activated".

In cases where one Squad has at least 2 more Units than the other, the Squad with fewer Units may choose to delay one activation once per Turn. In that case, the Squad with more Units activates two of its Units in a row.

Scoring Mission Points And Controlling Objectives

Mission Points determine the winner of the battle. Each Mission will define conditions under which a Squad can score Mission Points.
Each Battle Map will have Objectives placed on it. Depending on the mission, these Objectives may need to be controlled to score Mission Points.
A Unit that occupies the same Square as an Objective is said to control that Objective if there are no enemy Units in Adjacent Squares.
At the end of each Turn, your Squad scores one Mission Point for each Objective that one of your Units controls.

Stat Cards

StatCards describe your Units and their Weapons with numerical values, and any special Skills they may have. In general, the higher the stat number, the better the Unit or Weapon. Note that in the app and on the website, you can click or tap Special Rules to view what they mean, and Skills or Equipment to get their full description.

{{ unit.seq + 1 }}.

{{ unit.unitname ? unit.unitname : unit.unittypename }}

{{ unit.isunittype ? unit.eqpts : (unit.unittypeeqpts + unit.geareqpts) }}EP
ACT {{ unit.ACT == 0 ? '-' : unit.ACT }} MSK {{ unit.MSK == 0 ? '-' : unit.MSK }} RSK {{ unit.RSK == 0 ? '-' : unit.RSK }} ARM {{ unit.ARM == 0 ? '-' : unit.ARM }} HIT {{ unit.HIT == 0 ? '-' : unit.HIT }}
{{ gear.gearname }} ({{ gear.special }})
{{ gear.eqpts }}EP XP{{ gear.minXP }}
{{ gear.ROA * gear.DAM }}
{{ gear.category }}
{{ gear.gearname }} ({{ gear.special }}) ({{ gear.ACT }} ACT) ({{ gear.TO }} TO) XP{{ gear.minXP }} {{ gear.eqpts }}EP
{{ gear.gearname }}:
{{ gear.geardescription }}

Unit Stats

Stat Title Description
ACT Action Points The maximum number of Action Points this Unit can spend on Actions during its activation.
MSK Melee Skill The Unit's skill in Melee Combat. In general, Melee Attack rolls equal to or lower than this stat are successes.
RSK Ranged Skill The Unit's skill in Ranged Combat. In general, Ranged Attack rolls equal to or lower than this stat are successes.
ARM Armor Indicates how well this Unit resists damage during combat (see Combat)
HIT Hit Points The Unit's number of Hit Points. When a Unit reaches zero HIT, it is Taken Out and removed from the battlezone (see Combat).
Special   Special Special rules for this Unit (see Unit Specials) are lsited in the card footer, next to its unit type ("Strike Trooper").
EP   Equipment Points The cost in Equipment Points (EP) for this Unit. This is split into two numbers: The first number represent the EP cost of the Unit itself, the second number is the total EP cost of added equipment, weapons, and skills.

Weapon Stats

Stat Title Description
/ Weapon Type indicates a Ranged weapon, indicates a Melee weapon.
ROA Rate Of Attack Indicates the number of Attack dice to roll when using this weapon.
DAM Damage Indicates how much Damage each successful strike with this weapons inflicts on a Target.
Special Special Special rules for this weapon (see Weapon Specials) are lsited next to its name.


Some Units will have Skills listed on their StatCard. These are unique properties of that Unit that may allow them to perform a specific unique Action, or gain a bonus (or debuff) for certain game mechanics.

Note that Skills that have a TO cost (as above) cannot be performed using the Unit's ACT Stat; they must be performed by spending Tactical Orders.
Skills that have an AP cost can be performed using the Unit's AP Stat or a Tactical Order.

Skills and Equipment that do not have an ACT or TO cost are passive skills that do not require spending an Action Point or Tactical Order.


During its activation, a Unit can perform a number of Actions up to its ACT stat (see StatCards).
Each Action costs a number of Action Points or ACT.

Actions with an ACT cost can be performed by spending the Unit's ACT Action Points or the Squad's Tactical Orders, or any combination of the two (for example, if a Unit's skill costs 2 ACT, you can spend 1 ACT + 1 TO to perform that action).
Actions with a TO cost can only be performed by spending the Squad's Tactical Orders.

Each action costs its listed number of ACT the first time it is performed in a Unit's Activation. Each time that same action is repeated in the same Activation, it costs one additional ACT.
For example, a Unit with 3 ACT may perform 2 Moves in its Activation. The first Move costs 1 ACT, and the second one costs 2 ACT.

Basic Actions

All Units can perform the following Actions during their Activation:

Action  ACT  Description
Move1The Unit moves up to 3 Squares.
Dash/Crawl1The Unit moves up to 1 Square. This movement follows the same rules as a normal Move.
Ranged Attack1The Unit attacks a valid target in Ranged Combat.
Melee Attack1The Unit attacks a target in an Adjacent Square in Melee Combat.
Open/Close Door1The Unit opens or closes a door that is on one of the edges of its current Square.
Pick Up/Drop1The Unit picks up or drops a marker or token in the Square it currently occupies.


Movement in Skirm is measured in Squares. Each Square on the battle map is 40mm (or 1.5"). A Battlemap is typically 15 x 15 Squares (or 60x60 cm / 24x24 in).

Units cannot traverse walls; they must move around or climb over them.
If a Unit wants to move vertically (up or down), it must do so against a wall that is marked as Climbable, or whose height is 1 Square tall. Note that this does not apply to slopes or stairs. Stairs and slopes can be treated as horizontal movement and vertical movement is free.

When a Unit moves on the Battle Map, the maximum distance it can travel is 3 Squares. Movement can be done along any cardinal direction (North, South, East, West) or in diagonal (North-East, North-West, South-East, South-West).

Diagonal Movement

Note that diagonal movement can only happen if the Squares perpendicular to the diagonal direction are not occupied or blocked.
For example, for a Unit to move North-West, both Squares at its North and West must be unoccupied and traversable.

Occupied Squares

Two Units cannot share the same Square; each Square can only be occupied by a maximum of 1 Unit.
Note that a Unit cannot pass through a Square that is occupied by or adjacent to an enemy Unit, unless another SquadMate is adjacent to that enemy Unit. A Unit may end their movement in a Square that is Adjacent to an enemy Unit (to prepare for Melee Combat).

Difficult Terrain

Some Squares will be marked as "Difficult", indicating that they take more effort to traverse. Entering a Difficult Square only costs 1 Square (as normal), but leaving that Square to another Square costs 2 Squares.
If a Unit moves from one Difficult Square to another Difficult Square, cost remains 2 Squares.

Vertical Movement

If there is a wall 1 Square high between two Squares (and they are on the same level), moving across that wall costs 2 Squares.
Climbing up vertical terrain costs 1 Square per vertical Square, plus 1 Square for the horizontal direction desired.
Note that for a Unit to climb a wall, that wall must be mutually agreed by all players to be Climbable at the start of the battle. Generally these walls will be easily identifiable with a ladder or other visual marker indicating it is climbable.
Climbing down a wall follows the same rules as climbing up, but vertical movement costs 1 less Square.

Mission Actions

Certain Missions will define special Actions that can be performed by Units. Read the Mission Briefing to determine if the Mission defines any such Actions.

Tactical Orders

At the start of each turn, each player rolls 3D6 and adds 1 die for each of the Squad's Units' LDx Special Rule. For example, if your Leader is still in play and has the LD2 Special Rule, you would roll 5D6 for Tactical Orders (3 base dice for Tactical Orders plus 2 dice provided by your Leader).
If you do not have a Unit with the LDx Special Rule on the Battlemap, you do not get their Tactical Order bonus and just roll 3D6.

For each die result of 1-3, you will have one Tactical Order. Tactical Orders allow Units to perform more Actions than their ACT Action limit.

At the end of each Turn, any unused Tactical Orders are lost; they do not carry over to the following Turn.

Note that rolling for Tactical Orders cannot be modified by using Tactical Orders.

Using Tactical Orders

During a Unit's activation, you may spend any number of Tactical Orders you obtained for that Turn on more actions for that Unit. Tactical Orders may be spent to:

  • Perform a Unit's TO Skill. Unless otherwise indicated, TO skills cannot be performed more than once per Turn
  • Perform an Additional Basic Action (Move, Dash, Shoot, Melee, etc.) during a Unit's Activation.
  • Re-roll any one die for any of your rolls (including during one of your opponent's Units' Activations, for example during Melee combat).
  • Change the result of one of your rolled dice by +/- 1. Note that this is stackable; you can spend 2 TO to reduce the result of a die by 2, or spend multiple TO on multiple dice in a given roll. Modifying a die roll in this way does not trigger roll-specific effects (e.g. reducing an Attack die roll of 2 to 1 does not mean that roll causes +1 DAM).


Ranged and Melee combat uses the same general process for determining strikes and damage. The main difference is in target selection.

  1. Select Target
    1. The Attacker selects one of its weapons of the appropriate type to use in this combat
    2. The Attacker selects a valid target
      1. Ranged Combat: Target must be:
        • At least 2 Squares away from the Attacker (i.e not Adjacent)
        • Within the Weapon's range (RGx)
        • In the Attacker's Line Of Sight
        • The Attacker does not have any SquadMates adjacent to the Target
        Note that a Unit may not perform this action if there is an enemy Unit in an adjacent Square.
      2. Melee Combat: Target must be in an Adjacent Square to the Attacker.
  2. Roll Attacks - Determine if the Attacker's weapon reached the Target
    1. Attacker rolls one Attack die for each of the selected weapon's ROA (Rate of Attack) + applicable Modifiers.
    2. Each Attack die result that is equal to or lower than the Unit's matching Skill (MSK for Melee, RSK for Ranged) is a successful strike. Note that die results of 1 are always successes, and die results of 6 are always failures.
    3. Each successful strike inflicts the weapon's DAM value of Damage to the Target (so two successful strikes with DAM 2 means 4 total Damage)
    4. Each Attack roll of 1 inflicts the weapon's DAM value +1 of Damage to the Target (so each roll of 1 with DAM 2 inflicts 3 Damage)
  3. Roll Saves - Determine how much Damage the Attacker inflicted on the Target
    1. The Target rolls one Save die for each point of Damage inflicted by the Attacker's weapon.
    2. If a Save die result is equal to or lower than the Target's ARM, then the Target's Armor absorbed the damage from this strike (successful Save).
    3. For each failed Save, the target loses 1 HIT.
    4. If a Unit reaches zero HIT, it is Taken Out and removed from the battlezone.


Note that after all Modifiers have been applied, a die roll of 6 is always a failure, and a die roll of 1 is always a success.
In addition to these standard modifiers, some Units' Special Actions, Special Rules, or Skills may apply additional modifiers to the Attack or Save rolls.

Ranged Combat Modifiers

Condition Description Modifier
Cover The Target is in cover (only partially visible to the Attacker) Target gets one automatic Save (without having to roll it)
High Ground Attacker is at least 2 Squares higher than target Target does not benefit from Cover

Melee Combat Modifiers

Condition Description Modifier
Support One or more of the Attacker's Squadmates is in an Adjacent Square to the Target Attacker gets one automatic successful strike without having to roll it.

Line Of Sight

A Target is said to be in an Attacker's Line of Sight if two uninterrupted lines can be drawn from one of the corners of the Square occupied by the Attacker to the two closest corners of the Square occupied by the Target.
Note that a Unit cannot target an enemy Unit for Ranged Combat if there are other Units on that Line of Sight (i.e. a Unit cannot shot "through" other Units).


If a Target is only partially visible to the Attacker (for example, there is a short wall between the two Units), that Target is said to be in cover. Note that Cover only applies to Ranged attacks; there is no Cover benefit for Melee attacks.
To determine whether a Target is in Cover, the following conditions must be met:

  • The piece of terrain blocking the Attacker's full view of the Target occupies at least one side of the Target's current Square.
  • The Attacker can "see" no more than 2 of the following: The Target's legs, the Target's torso, the Target's head.
    If the Attacker can see none of these in full, the Attacker cannot fire its weapon at the Target.
    If the Attacker can see all three of these in full, the Target does not get the benefit of cover.

Your Squad

Building Your Squad

Build your squad using the App. Squads are typically built with a maximum value of 100 total EP (including all unit and gear costs).
Your Squad can only include one Leader (with the LDx Special), and it cannot include more than 1 of each Unique (UNQ) Unit.
When selecting Gear for your Squad (Weapons, Equipment, etc), any item whose name ends with an asterisk (*) is Unique and cannot be added more than once to your squad.


Each faction has its own set of available Units and Gear to choose from. Find the faction that best fits the way you want to play, and start building your squads.



As your Squad completes missions and achieves objectives, it grows in skill and available resources.
After each game, your Squad's Units gain XP from medals as described below:
  • Assassin    2 XP

    This Unit took out an enemy Leader in the battle.
  • Avenger    1 XP

    This Unit took out an enemy Unit after that enemy Unit took their Leader out.
  • Berserker    2 XP

    This Unit took 3 or more enemies out with Melee attacks in the same battle.
  • Bloodthirsty    1 XP

    This Unit took out two enemy Units in the same Turn.
  • First Blood    2 XP

    This Unit was the first one to take an enemy out in the battle.
  • Geared Up    1 XP

    This Unit took out an enemy Unit using an Equipment item (e.g. Grenade).
  • Last Standing    1 XP

    This Unit is the last Standing Unit in its Squad at the end of the battle.
  • Merciless    1 XP

    This Unit took out an enemy by inflicting 2 or more DAM above that enemy's remaining HITs (e.g. 3 DAM on a Unit with 1 HIT remaining).
  • Marksman    2 XP

    This Unit took 3 or more enemies out with Ranged attacks in the same battle.
  • Resourceful    1 XP

    This Unit took out an enemy Unit using an Item (e.g. Barrel, Turret).
  • Scavenger    1 XP

    This Unit opened a Crate in the battle.
  • Untouchable    2 XP

    This Unit was still Standing at the end of the battle and had all its HIT remaining.
  • Veteran    1 XP

    This Unit was still Standing at the end of the battle.
  • Victor    1 XP

    This Unit's Squad won the battle.

Spoils Of War

At the end of each battle, tally the Medals each Unit received during the battle and increase that Unit's total XP. Each faction has its own set of rewards that become available once a unit reaches a certain XP count.
These are marked as XPx, where x indicates the minimum total XP required for that Unit to take that reward.
For each increment of 5 XP, a Unit may take another Spoil Of War.
For example: if a Unit is at 13 XP, it may take 2 Spoils Of War and each one must have XPx at 13 or less.


You may choose to add items to the battlemap that have special purposes and behaviors, and some missions may require the placement of items.


A Crate contains one of 4 options, determined when it is opened. Units may move through or into Squares that contain a Crate. To open a crate, a Unit must occupy the same Square where it is located and spend 1 ACT to open it. When opened, the Unit selects one of the remaining options and that crate is removed from the battlemap. Each crate content option can only be selected once per battle.
Crate contents:

  • MP: The Unit's Squad immediately gains 1 MP.
  • MedPack: The Unit immediately regain 1D3 HIT.
  • Ammo Refill: The Unit selects one of its LIM weapons that it has already used. That weapon can now be used one more time in the battle. If the Unit has not used its LIM weapon, it cannot select this option (you cannot refill an unused LIM weapon).
  • TO: The Unit's Squad immediately gains 1 TO.


Barrels are explosive containers that can be attacked, causing an explosion. Units may move through or into Squares that contain a Crate.
Barrels may be attacked in Ranged or Melee combat. The Barrel is a Unit that cannot save; if it is attacked in combat and at least one strike is successful, it explodes. When a Barrel explodes, it is immediately destroyed and removed from the battlemap, and then causes an explosion dealing 2 Damage to its current Square and all Adjacent Squares.


Turrets may be placed on the battlemap and used by Units instead of their equipped Weapons. Units may move through or into Squares that contain a Turret.
Turrets may be attacked in Ranged or Melee combat. Turrets have 2 HIT and take Damage like any other Unit. When rolling saves, treat the Turret as having 2 ARM.
When a Turret loses all its HIT, it is removed from the battlemap and deals 3 Damage to any Unit that occupies the same Square.
To use a Turret, a Unit must occupy the same Square where it is located and spend 1 ACT to use it. Note that a Turret may be used by the same Unit multiple times in its Activation, costing 1 ACT for each use.
Turret Types:

Turret Type
Machine Gun Turret (SPR)
Rocket Launcher Turret (XPL)


  • Activation (See Game Cycle and Actions)
    • An Activation is the full set of Actions performed by a Unit when they are activated. During each turn, all Units for all players have exactly one Activation.
  • Unit (See Stat Cards)
    • A Unit is a member of your Squad. Each Unit is represented by a model on the Battle Map and has a matching Stat Card.
  • Die/Dice (See Dice Rolls)
    • A Die (plural Dice) is a 6-sided die used to determine success or failure of certain actions.
  • Event (See Game Cycle)
    • Each Mission is in a given Environment, and each Environment has random Events that occur in each Turn.
  • Line Of Sight (See Line Of Sight)
    • Line Of Sight determines which Units can be targeted by another Unit for Ranged combat (and some special Actions).
  • Roll-Off
    • A Roll-Off is a special Dice Roll in which each player rolls 1D6 and compares the result. The lowest number is determined to be the winner of the Roll-Off. If all players roll the same value, all players re-roll until a winner is determined.
  • Stat (See StatCards and Dice Rolls)
    • A Stat is a number that measures a Unit or Weapon's quality. Note that in all cases, higher stats are better.
  • Squad
    • Your Squad is your team of Units that you send into battle.
  • Squadmate
    • Two Units are said to be Squadmates if they are in the same Squad. Note that a Unit is not considered to be its own Squadmate.
  • Square (See BattleMap)
    • A Square is a single Square on your Battle Map. Squares are used for all Movement and Distance measurements .
  • Tactical Order (See Tactical Orders)
    • A Tactical Order is a "Free" action that can be taken by one of your Units, or a special modifier you can apply to a roll. At the start of each Turn, you will generate a number of Tactical Orders that can be spent on additional Actions by your Units, or free die re-rolls.
  • Turn (See Game Cycle)
    • A Turn is a full Turn in the game cycle.
  • Weapon (See Stat Cards)
    • A Weapon is a piece of wargear that a Unit is carrying. Weapons can be Melee weapons or Ranged weapons.

Special Rules

These standard Special Rules can be found on various Units and their Weapons. These charts indicate each Special Rule's meaning and interpretation in gameplay.

Unit Special Rules

Rule Title Description
2MC Double Melee This Unit can perform the Melee Combat Action twice for 1 ACT each during each of its Activations. Note that a third Melee Combat Action would cost 3 ACT.
2RC Double Ranged This Unit can perform the Ranged Combat Action twice for 1 ACT each during each of its Activations. Note that a third Ranged Combat Action would cost 3 ACT.
BLS Blast Shield This Unit cannot be hit if it is the secondary target of an attack (e.g. it is a secondary target for a Blast or Chain Reaction weapon).
BRx Brutal x This Unit may re-roll up to x of its Melee Combat attack dice.
CAM Camouflage Each time this Unit is the primary target of a Ranged Combat attack and the Attacker is more than at least 4 Squares away, the Attacker gets -1 RSK (minimum 2).
CTR Counter Each time this Unit is the target of a Melee Attack, if this Unit is not Taken Out at the end of that Combat, it may immediately perform a Melee Attack against the original Attacker.
DLS Duellist Each time this unit is the target of a Melee Attack, the Attacker's MSK is reduced by 1.
FLY Flying This Unit ignores vertical distance when it performs a Move or Dash action and it is not affected by Difficult terrain.
INF Infiltrator This unit may deploy anywhere on the battlemap, at least 3 Squares away from enemy Units and objectives. If it cannot be deployed in this way, deploy it as far as possible from enemy Units and objectives.
LDx Leader x While this Unit is in the battlezone, you may roll an additional x dice to determine Tactical Orders every turn.
LPx Leap x This unit may spend 2 ACT to move up to x Squares in a straight line (orthogonal or diagonal), ignoring vertical movement and difficult terrain.
NEQ No Equipment This Unit cannot be equipped with gear that costs Equipment Points (EP), does not gain XP, and cannot take any Spoils Of War.
NMB Nimble The Unit may move through enemy-occupied and enemy-adjacent Squares.
PAR Parry Each time this Unit is the target of a Melee Attack, it may choose one of the Attacker's Attack Dice to be re-rolled before rolling Saves, but only if the Attacker hasn't already re-rolled that die.
PRx Precise x This Unit may re-roll up to x of its Ranged Combat attack dice.
RGR Ranger This unit is unaffected by difficult terrain and moves through it without penalty.
SWF Swift Each time this Unit performs a Move or Dash action, it can move 1 additional Square.
TCH Technician During each of its Activations, this Unit may perform one Mission action for 1 less ACT.
TGx Tough x Each time this Unit is the target of a Melee or Ranged Combat attack, it may re-roll up to x of its Save dice.
UNQ Unique A Squad cannot include this Unit more than once.

Weapon/Gear Special Rules

Rule Title Description
* Unique A Squad cannot include this Gear more than once.
+SK Improve Skill Each time this weapon is used in combat, use the Unit's skill (MSK or RSK) +1 (maximum 5).
2MC Double Melee The Unit may perform two Melee Attacks for 1 ACT each during each of its Activations as long as this Weapon is used for at least one of those attacks. Note that a third Melee Combat Action would cost 3 ACT.
2RC Double Ranged The Unit may perform two Ranged Attacks for 1 ACT each during each of its Activations as long as this Weapon is used for at least one of those attacks. Note that a third Ranged Combat Action would cost 3 ACT.
AHx Autohit x Each time this weapon is used in Combat, x of this Weapon's Attack dice is an automatic Strike without rolling it. You may still choose to roll that die.
BLS Blast Each time the Unit uses this weapon, it fires against the target and any other Unit (including Squadmates) in Adjacent Squares Visible to the original target. Roll Attack dice for each affected Unit. Note that this weapon can target an unoccupied Square and that valid targets do not benefit from Cover.
BRx Brutal x Each time this weapon is used in Melee Combat, the Attacker may re-roll up to x of its Melee Combat attack dice.
CRx Chain Reaction x Perform Attack rolls against the original target and up to x other targets in Adjacent Squares to the original target.
DDx Deadly x Each time this Weapon is used in Combat, if there is at least one successful strike, add x to the total DAM for that Combat.
HVY Heavy Firing this weapon after the Unit performed a Move Action costs 1 additional ACT. A Move Action performed after this Unit fired this weapon costs 1 additional ACT. Units can perform a Dash Action with this weapon equipped without any penalties.
LIM Limited Ammo This weapon can only be used once during each battle.
LNR Linear Each time this weapon is fired, if the Attacker and Target are on the same vertical level, draw a line from one of the attacker's current Square's corners to one of the target's current Square's corners. Roll attacks against the target and all units (including Squadmates and Items) that occupy a Square that is crossed by this line.
MCR Melee Combat Ranged This Ranged weapon can target an Enemy in an Adjacent Square to be used in Melee Combat.
NCV No Cover Each time this Weapon is used in combat, targets do not benefit from Cover (no automatic saves).
PRx Precise x Each time this Weapon is used in Ranged Combat, the Attacker may re-roll up to x of its Attack dice.
RGx Range x The weapon's maximum range for target selection is x Squares.
RLT Relentless Each time this Weapon is used in combat, you may re-roll all die results of 6.
RND Rending Attack rolls of 1 cause +2 DAM (instead of +1).
SKx Skill x Instead of using the Unit's RSK or MSK, use x as the Skill when using this weapon in combat.
SPR Spread Each time this Weapon is used, the Unit may select multiple targets as long as each selected target is Adjacent to another selected target. If multiple targets are selected, distribute this weapon's ROA between these selected targets and perform attacks accordingly.
STN Stun Each time this Unit uses this weapon, if one (or more) of its Attack dice is a 1, the target gets -1 ACT in its next Activation (minimum 2).
UWD Unwieldy This weapon cannot be used outside of the Unit's activation (e.g. Free Actions).
XPx Min XP A Unit may only have this Gear if its XP is x or higher.